The conference Open Science – From Policy to Practice is organised jointly by the Swedish Research Council, the National Library of Sweden and the Swedish Museum of Natural History in collaboration with the following partner organisations: the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions, the European Commission Joint Research Centre, the European Network of Science Centres and Museums (Ecsite), EuroScience, the Swedish National Commission for UNESCO, the Swedish Science Centres, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre, the Young Academy of Sweden, and VA (Public & Science). The conference is generously supported by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
Find out more about the organisers
The Swedish Research Council
The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet, VR) is Sweden?s largest governmental research funding body, and supports research of the highest quality within all scientific fields with almost 8 billion SEK per year. The Council also advises the Government on research policy issues and works to increase understanding of the long-term societal benefits of research.
The National Library of Sweden
The National Library (Kungliga biblioteket, KB) is a government agency under the Ministry of Education. Under the 1661 Swedish Legal Deposit Act, KB collects and preserves everything published in Sweden, including electronic material. KB is also tasked with coordinating and promoting the transition of Open Access to scholarly publications as well as currently developing national guidelines for Open Science.
The Swedish Museum of Natural History
The Swedish Museum of Natural History is a governmental institution that, for over 200 years, has built scientific collections and collected data, conducted research on life and the Earth itself, and shared knowledge with the public. It applies cutting-edge methods to understand our planet, including the formation of the continents, and the origin and evolution of life.
Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions
The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (Sveriges universitets- och högskoleförbund, SUHF) was founded in 1995 as an organisation for institutional cooperation on a voluntary basis. Thirty-eight universities and university colleges in Sweden are members. The Association is an arena for discussions and decisions in the field of higher education.
European Commission Joint Research Centre
The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission?s science and knowledge service. The JRC employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to EU policy level from a very wide range of disciplines.
European Network of Science Centres and Museums
Ecsite is a European network, linking science engagement professionals in more than 300 organisations and 50 countries. The vision is to foster creativity and critical thinking in European society, emboldening citizens to engage with science. Its mission is to inspire and empower science centres, museums and all organisations that engage people with science, and to promote their actions.
EuroScience is the European association for the advancement of science and technology. Its goal is an open, inclusive, and healthy scientific system that works for the benefit of all of society. A membership-based non-profit organisation, it offers a platform for researchers and research professionals to meet and discuss transdisciplinary matters in science and society.
Swedish National Commission for UNESCO
The Swedish National Commission for UNESCO (Svenska Unescor?det) provides advice to the Swedish Government on UNESCO-related matters and raises awareness in Sweden about UNESCO and its work within education, science, culture and communication. The National Commission is seated under the Swedish Ministry of Education and Research.
Swedish Science Centres
Science centers offer experiential learning that gives people the opportunity to find and develop their abilities. Experimental environments, school programmes, skills development for school staff, courses and programme activities are common features. Swedish Science Centers (Sveriges science centers) is a member association that represents, promotes and develops the 20 science centres in Sweden.
Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre
The Baltic Sea Centre (Östersjöcentrum) focuses on the environmental challenges of the Baltic Sea through an interdisciplinary approach and contributes with knowledge to authorities and other organisations working with marine governance and management. It also supports Stockholm University’s marine operations by providing infrastructure for research and education.
The Young Academy of Sweden
The Young Academy of Sweden (Sveriges unga akademi) is an interdisciplinary academy for a selection of 35?40 of the most prominent younger researchers in Sweden. Founded in 2011, the academy is an independent platform that provides young researchers with a strong voice in the policy debate and that promotes science and research, often focusing on children and young adults.
VA (Public & Science)
VA (Public & Science) (Vetenskap & Allmänhet) is an independent Swedish non-profit membership organisation, founded in 2002, that works to promote dialogue and openness between researchers and the public. Members are some 100 organisations, authorities, universities, companies and associations.