The Open Science – From Policy to Practice conference on 16–17 May was streamed and you may watch the recordings from the two day event below. Read a summary here.
Open Science Policies in Europe – development and monitoring of national policies
The opening session highlighted the overarching aspects of Open Science and gave examples on implementation guidelines, measures and best practices, in connection with the EU policy for Open Science, as well as the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science.
Welcome address by Karin Grönvall, National Librarian, National Library of Sweden and Katarina Bjelke, Director General, the Swedish Research Council, Maria Nilsson, State Secretary, Swedish Ministry of Education and Research and Hanne Monclair, UNESCO Open Science Steering Committee & Ministry of Education and Research, Norway.
Council Conclusions and Scholarly publishing
The panel discussions focused on the upcoming council conclusions on scholarly publishing which addressed issues such as challenges in the peer-review system, costs associated with publication, copyright legislation and secondary publishing rights.
Aligning research assessment with Open Science
The session explored the topic of how we ensure research quality as we move into Open Science. What is the latest progress and the views of different stakeholders?
Speakers: Nicolas Fressengeas, Vice President University of Lorraine, France, Katarina Bjelke, Director General, Swedish Research Council, Dagmar Meyer, Policy Adviser, European Research Council Executive Agency, Max Dumoulin, Vice President Portfolio Innovation, Elsevier.
Moderator: Anna Nilsson Vindefjärd, Vice President, EuroScience
EOSC – advancing Open Science to the next level
Listen to presentations and discussions about the current status of the European Open Science Cloud and how different stakeholders can contribute to realise the vision.
Speakers: Michael Arentoft, Head of Unit Open Science, European Commission, Karel Luyben, President, EOSC Association, Sofie Björling, Director for the Department of Research Infrastructures, the Swedish Research Council, Astrid Söderbergh Widding, President, Stockholm University, Jessica Lindvall, Head of Training, SciLifeLab Training Hub
Moderator: Wilhelm Widmark, Library Director, Stockholm University, EOSC-Association Director
Citizen science in policy and practice
In this session the final report from the European Commission’s Mutual Learning Exercise: “Citizen Science – Initiatives, Policy and Practice”, was presented. It also highlighted two national best practices from Austria and Romania.
Speakers: Signe Ratso, Deputy Director-General, DG Research & Innovation, European Commission, Alan Irwin, Chair of MLE Citizen Science, Copenhagen Business School, Margaret Gold, Citizen Science Lead, Leiden University, Barbara Weitgruber, Director General, Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, Austria, Adrian Curaj, General Director, Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), Romania, Ioana Trif, Open Science Policy Expert, UEFISCDI.
Moderator: Alan Irwin, Chair of MLE Citizen Science, Copenhagen Business School
Science for Policy making
How can policy makers across Europe use scientific knowledge to improve debates and policy decisions? And how can scientists increase dialogue and interaction with policy makers? This was discussed in this session where researchers, decision makers, actors from universities and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, shared their views and experiences on best practices for science informed decision-making.
Speakers: Lisa Månsson, Director General, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Agnieszka Gadzina-Kolodziejska, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Mikael Karlsson, Associate Professor, Climate Change Leadership, Uppsala University, Julian Keimer, Policy Analyst, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Ellen Bruno, Policy Analyst, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre, Jessica Jewell, Associate Professor, Chalmers/Young Academy of Sweden, Amanda Wood, Researcher, Stockholm University Stockholm Resilience Centre, Anders Grönvall, former Secretary of State to the Swedish Minister for Environment and Marie-Louise Hänel Sandström, Member of Parliament, Sweden.
Moderator: Gun Rudquist, Head of Policy, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre.
Science and society – Science communication and engagement as enablers for Open Science
Communicating and engaging science with society are key to implementing Open Science, but how are EU and national policies transferred from policy and implemented in practice? The session discussed policy measures in the EU and showcased inspiring national projects.
Speakers: Lidía Borrell-Damián, Secretary General, Science Europe, Anna Maria Fleetwood, Senior Adviser, the Swedish Research Council, Barbara Schrotter, Policy Advisor, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, Alex Verkade, Head of Communications and Positioning, Regieorgaan SIA, the Netherlands and Lisa Månsson, Director General, Swedish Museum of Natural History.
Moderator: Gustav Bohlin, Deputy Secretary General, VA Public & Science.
Accessibility to and involvement in science
Museums and science centres are important actors when it comes to engaging citizens in science. How do museums and science centres create science involvement and engagement? The session gave a showcase of experiences and practices developed. Europe’s two largest science outreach and communication networks also gave their views on the strengths and challenges of working together.
Speakers: Peter C. Kjærgaard, Director, National History Museum of Denmark, Carina Halvord, CEO, Universeum Science Centre, Sweden, Sebastian Kvist, Research Director, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Bruno Maquart, President, Ecsite, Cissi Askwall, President, EUSEA.
Moderator: Christine Sundberg Carendi, Secretary General, Swedish Science Centres.
Closing address – Open Science – The way forward
In her closing address Parisa Liljestrand, Swedish Minister for Culture, highlighted that society benefits most when different actors work together, which also means prioritising open science to promote dialogue between researchers and the public. Karin Grönvall, National Librarian, National Library of Sweden, concluded that there is a need for national policy initiatives and actions to enable Open science. Lisa Månsson, Director General, Swedish Museum of Natural History, emphasised the large interest and need from different societal sectors to come together and discuss the many aspects of Open Science.